As a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Registered Acupuncturist in Alberta, Dr. Song brings her extensive knowledge to us here at SEWA. In all of her treatments she begins with some Acupressure with her hands while she is assessing your problems, and then will gently move into other therapies such as Cupping and Acupuncture, she has been treated many patients who had suffered from Frozen Shoulder, Sciatic syndrome, Migraine, Anxiety, and Insomnia. Her goal is to help patients getting better and better. Her treatments are so relaxing you won’t want to leave!

In her words:

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture have been used in China for thousands of years, and it works for all kinds of illnesses and disorders, it is reliable and trusted. let it begin to work for you here in the west world. After my treatments you will not be scared by needles anymore, you will feel relaxed and comfortable and gradually your whole body will begin to change and come into balance. ​

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