Elbow Pain: Causes and Treatment Options

Elbow pain commonly arises from overuse and sports-related injuries. Various conditions can contribute to elbow pain, including:

  1. Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow): Tendinopathy affecting the inner tendons of the elbow, often caused by repetitive motions during work, household chores, baseball pitching, or a golfer’s swing.
  2. Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow): Tendinopathy affecting the tendons on the outer side of the elbow, typically caused by repetitive movements during household chores, racquet sports, or certain occupations.
  3. Olecranon Bursitis: Inflammation of fluid-filled sacs (bursae) that protect the bony tip of the elbow. Trauma, such as falling on the elbow or hitting it on a hard surface, commonly leads to this condition, known as Student’s Elbow, Miner’s Elbow, or Draftsman’s Elbow.
  4. Osteoarthritis (OA): Degeneration and damage to the cartilage in the elbow joint, often associated with aging but can also result from a previous elbow injury or fracture.
  5. Elbow Strain: Overstretching or tearing of the forearm flexor or extensor muscles, typically caused by trauma or overuse.
  6. Elbow Sprain: Overstretching or tearing of ligaments that connect the bones, resulting from trauma or overuse.
  7. Elbow Dislocation: Displacement of a bone from its normal position, commonly caused by attempting to break a fall with the hands or swinging a toddler by the forearms (nursemaid’s elbow).
  8. Elbow Fracture: A cracked or broken bone in the elbow, often caused by a sudden impact from events like automobile accidents or contact sports injuries.
  9. Osteochondritis Dissecans (Panner’s Disease): Dislodgment of small fragments of cartilage and bone within the elbow joint, typically occurring due to a sports-related injury.

At our facility, experienced and skilled physical therapists provide individualized care to address elbow injuries and medical conditions. We offer personalized therapy programs in a comfortable environment, utilizing advanced techniques and emphasizing patient goals and functional restoration.

Physical Therapy for Elbow Pain May Include:

– Pre- and post-operative evaluations

– Custom or prefabricated splints

– Patient and family education

– Home exercise programs

– Wound care

– Kinetic taping

– Thermal and electrical modalities

– Strength and endurance training

– Injury prevention programs

– Scar and pain management

– Edema control

– Manual therapy and desensitization techniques

When to Consult a Doctor for Elbow Pain:

Elbow pain is typically temporary and can be managed with rest, ice therapy, medication, and physical therapy. However, it is advisable to seek the expertise of an orthopedic doctor in the following situations:

– Elbow pain persists despite rest and ice therapy.

– The elbow remains painful even when not in use.

– Pain, redness, or swelling worsens instead of improving.

– Limited range of motion or difficulty moving the elbow or arm.

– Pain during normal daily activities or a decline in functionality.

– Suspected fractures or dislocations accompanied by intense pain, bruising, swelling, or visible deformity.

– New-onset pain following an injury or fall.


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