

Acupuncture stands out as the most widely practiced, acknowledged, and instructed aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Western societies. Central to its principles is the concept of “Qi” (pronounced “chi”), an essential life force believed to course through the body. This vital energy is conveyed through an intricate network of pathways known as meridians, which form an extensive web linking the inner and outer aspects of our physiology.

These meridians serve as conduits for the flow of Qi, and specific acupuncture points are strategically located along their routes on the body’s surface. These points, meticulously mapped and documented over millennia by various Asian cultures such as the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Taiwanese, each possess unique characteristics and therapeutic indications. This ancient practice not only reflects the rich heritage of these societies but also offers a holistic approach to health and well-being that continues to captivate the Western world.

    • Balancing Qi Flow: Acupuncture aims to restore the balance and free flow of Qi throughout the body.
    • Needle Stimulation: It involves the use of thin, sterile needles inserted at specific acupuncture points.
    • Pain Management: Acupuncture provides relief from chronic pain conditions like arthritis, migraine, and back pain.
    • Stress Reduction: It promotes relaxation and a sense of overall well-being.
    • Safe and non-invasive: Acupuncture, when performed by experts, bears zero to minimal side effects.

Elevate your well-being with Sewa Physiotherapy’s acupuncture services. Experience the harmony of mind and body. Schedule your session today.